Sunday, August 15, 2010

14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy

Presents an illustrated tale of a gift of fourteen cows given by the Masai people of Kenya to the U.S. as a gesture of comfort and friendship in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001.


  1. This was a really beautiful book because it told of how people care about other people. The illustrations matched the mood of the book. The information at the back helps the reader understand the story more. The best part is the last line of the book, "Because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort." ***

  2. ***
    i thought it was a good book and i like how they volunteered to give the cows to America and i liked the ritual

  3. ***
    A wonderful book telling about how a cow or cows can make a difference. I do als love the blurry kind of pictures.

  4. ***
    I really liked the illustrations. It is nice that Kimeli told the story of 9/11 to the tribe so they could help. He was lucky to come to America to learn to be a doctor.

  5. ***
    told a very good story with illustrations. told how caring and loving is so good for your heart

  6. I loved how it told how people care about other people. I loved the illustrations in the book,it made me feel like I was in the book.I loved the last line "Because there is no nation so powerful it can not be wounded,nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort"
    I was a sad but, a good book.

  7. I can't believe he sacrificed his only cow!**

  8. I thout it was sweet that the mom welcomed the son home with lots and lots of love.

  9. I really liked this book because it was about when 9/11 happened it was from these people but when they heard how horrible what they had done was they were mad at themselves so they gave a gift.

  10. I like this book because it is about after 9/11
    and how the Masia gave America a gift of 14 cows.

  11. ****

    it was so charming

  12. I loved the art in this book. The cows looked so real! It made me sad when he saw his people [family] again but had to leave to learn to be a docter.

  13. MakaylaG./Hemingway5thNovember 8, 2010 at 1:21 PM

    ** This was a great book. It was sad cause he had to leave his family to learn how to be a doctor. It was also after 9/11. Then the Masia people gave 14 cows to America

  14. This book was very moving. Its hard to believe that a tribe in Africa gave away one their most vaulble resources to strangers.Good book overall.

  15. ****
    I think it is nice that those people would donate the sacred symbol of life for their tribe.

  16. i kind of liked this book especially the part were he told the story about the two buildings that touched the sky(the twin towers)

  17. It was happy when he saw his people [family] again. It was sad for him to go and learn how to be a docter. This book inspired me because he was lucky to get a job to be a docter.

  18. I liked how the tribe sacraficed there 14 cows and gave it to america. I also thought it was sad that he had to leave his family and become a doctor.

  19. ****
    I liked the pictures in this book and how they had a celibration.

  20. ***
    but i wish it would have what it looked like in ameica

  21. I liked the book but it is not the best book I have read.I loved the illustrations.

  22. this was a sad but great book. it was dad how them man had to become a docor after 9/11.
    at the end it was inspiering how the tribe gave 14 cows to america for no apearit reason.****

  23. ***
    this tribe offered so much for us and it is just so moving that they would do something like that. for those who lost there lives in 9/11 that they would give them there way of life.

  24. Short, sad, touching. I rank It 5 stars*****.
    It amazing that the would give the saced symbol.
    It remind me to thing about 9/11 and what happen.

  25. ***

    The book was okay. It was so nice for the people of Africa to donate the sacred symbol of life after what happened to America, 9/11.

  26. ****
    I loved this book and I really loved the pictures.

  27. *****the pictures were really good and a very good book

  28. I liked it but it was kind of sad.

  29. ***
    it was a ok book and it was so sweet to give 14 cows to amarica and the elastrations were awsome

  30. *
    I did not really like this book although I thought it was sweet how in the end they honored him and blessed him with 14 cows for america.

  31. *
    I didnt get this book.
    I didnt like it.

  32. i loved this book because of the beatiful illustrations

  33. ****
    It was a good book to read

  34. brooke/romig
    it was kinda sad

  35. **
    i really dident like the book that much i really dident understand it

  36. I like the all cows

  37. I enjoyed this book it kinda reminded me of Home on the Brave

  38. I liked this book because it told about a young man coming back to his country and telling them about the tragedy and sorrow of 9/11. The tribe leaders spoke to each other and had a gift for America. This was a great book.

  39. **
    This book was ok. I thought it was a huge sacrifice for the man to give up thier only cow

  40. ****
    I enjoyed the book I liked how they gave the cows.
