Ming-Li looked up and tried to imagine the sky silent, empty of birds. It was a terrible thought. Her country's leader had called sparrows the enemy of the farmers--they were eating too much grain, he said. He announced a great "Sparrow War" to banish them from China, but Ming-Li did not want to chase the birds away. As the people of her village gathered with firecrackers and gongs to scatter the sparrows, Ming-Li held her ears and watched in dismay. The birds were falling from the trees, frightened to death! Ming-Li knew she had to do something--even if she couldn't stop the noise. Quietly, she vowed to save as many sparrows as she could, one by one...
This book was neat because it is based on a true-story. Ming-li is a kind and gentle character. I like how she cares about animals. ***
ReplyDeletesparrow girl wasthe best boock ever
ReplyDeleteming li loved animals and was very brave to stand up to her father and went with her heart
i loved this book because i really love animals.****
ReplyDeleteI didn't really like this book. It was mean of China to kill the birds. I'm glad Ming-Li saved some of the sparrows.
ReplyDeleteI think this was a okay book because this girl ming-li really had a love for sparrows
Sparrow girl was a good book. It was about when they thought the sparrows were there enemies. They were actually their friends. So one little girls tries to save as many sparrows a she can.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a touching to the heart kind of book. Even if it sad it was a good book.
I love all the all the illustartions and how the little girl, Ming-lie and older brother had curuage to stand up and save the birds.
ReplyDeleteThis is an okay book cause it is a real story/ fake story and i think it is wierd that they delceared war on sparrows.
I liked this book because this one little girl saved seven sparrows. And stood up for what she believed in.
ReplyDeleteit was sad but the illustrations were awsome
ReplyDeletei liked this book but i thought it was mean of china to kill the sparrows but then the little girl to save i think 7 but i know the real story and it is sad
ReplyDeleteI think that it was a very interesting and inspiring story about a young girl and her country. I loved i8t
This book was sad and adventurous at the same time I enjoyed it
ReplyDeleteI liked how her and her brother tried to save the sparrows. I thought it was sad how their bird died.
ReplyDeleteIdon't like china for killing sparrows I am glad Ming-lee sve some of them.
ReplyDeleteIt was sad when the bird died from falling fro, the sky but the other birds were ok and she tried to help them and it work this was a great book at least she saved 7 of them most not all
ReplyDeleteSparrowgirl is a very touching book.
ReplyDeleteI felt sad because a lot of birds died.**
ReplyDeleteit was sad cause the birds died
This book was good. The little was smarter than everybody in china,beacuse she thought ahead.
ReplyDeletei lked it because she broke the law to save what she belives
ReplyDeleteIt was sad and I did not know that sparowws ate insects yay now I know.
ReplyDeleteI liked how she had worked together with her brother to save some of the birds and ended up helping the farmers and becoming a true hero for all of China.
ReplyDeleteI liked this book because it was a awesomely true story.Also because every one in China found out that sparrows are a very big and helpful part on planting crops.And to finish how the little saved 7 sparrows and China.
ReplyDeletethis book was not my favorit but it was stil good because it was a true story and had a good ending
I thought this book was sad. I didn't think it was right to have a war against sparrows. But then they need sparrows but there all gone. But theres a suprise at the end of the book and i liked it.
ReplyDeleteThe story was sad because people were killing them.And the little girl was happy for them not to kill any more sparrows.
ReplyDeleteTo me the book was a good book because the people in china see how sparrows are good to the gardens.
I realy like this book.because I think it was sad when a sparow would die she would bury it.
ReplyDeletethe girl saved the whole town by saveng two birds i liked it.**
ReplyDelete** This book is not to great, the sparrows all died but 7 and she became a farmer. I would expect more from a bluebonnet book.
ReplyDeletethis book was good everyone thought they didn't need sparrows but they did and one little girl in china proved that they needed them and kept 7 sparrows
ReplyDeleteIt was a ok book cause it was a real book instead of a fake. I can't believe that chia fought against sparrows, at least ming-lee saved 7 sparrows. I rate this book 4 star ****
ReplyDeleteI like this book becuase it shows this one little girl showing that she is important to know what you are doing before you you do it becuase when sparrows where gone and the bugs where eating a whole lot more than those birds
ReplyDeletei realy like this book but it was sad that they were killing the birds
I liked this book because it makes us realize that the balance of nature really does matter. It also has a strong message to kids that you really can make a difference.
ReplyDeleteZoe/Norton said...
ReplyDeletei loved the part when her and her brother saved the sparrows from getting killed.
ReplyDeleteI didn't really like this book because I'm not really into China, mostly because of the sparrow war.
I love this book. I think it is sweet of the girl to help the birds.****
ReplyDeletei loved this book because i love animals and i loved hoe she loved animals.
ReplyDeletei dident understand the book
ReplyDeletethis book shows expression as she trys to save as many sparrows as she can. vary good book. i rate this 5 stars!
ReplyDeleteI thought this book was a little sad but it was still a good book.
ReplyDeleteI liked this book because it told about a girl who saved sparrows that had not died during the war between the sparrows and the farmers. She was a very brave little girl to do that because if she had been caught she would have been in more trouble than she could have ever imagined. I rate this book "great".
ReplyDeleteThis book is so sweet! I love how the little girl wants to protect the birds.
ReplyDeletei liked the book because the girl saved all those birds to proove that the population needed the sparrows.