Ghost writer, Ignatius B. Grumply rents 43 Old Cemetery Road in Ghastly, Illinois, hoping to find some peace and quiet so he can break his writer's block. But the three-story, run-down, Victorian house is already occupied by eleven-year-old Seymour, his cat Shadow, and an irritable ghost named Olive.
ReplyDeleteThis book is awesome it is a very interesting story about a man (Grumpley)who rents a 32 and a 1/2 room mansion at 43 Old Cemetary road and finds that has to take care of an 11 yr. old boy and his cat (Shadow) and find it is haunted by a ghost (Olivia C. Spence) etc...
ReplyDeletelove how this book goes back and forth between all the people in letters
ReplyDeletethis was a really good book it really had a good base line and it was a sweet story.
ReplyDeleteI realy did love this book because it is realy sweet and a full grown man opens up to a little more life. He gets help through a ghost and a 11 yr. old boy and finally gets out of his writers block.:D
ReplyDeleteI really liked how Olive C Spence would help Grumply write his book. It was fun that all the names in the book meant something scary. It was really sweet that Grumply became friends with Seymour.
I liked how the auther did not believe that their was a ghost in the house.
ReplyDeleteI love this story because it switches off between letters and the names are so funny.
ReplyDeletethes book was so good! oilve was sweet to help Grumply.
I like the part when the oliver and mr.Grumply
ReplyDeletepass notes
i loved this book i think it was funny that he married a ghost
ReplyDeleteThis was a great book, Olive is so nice to cook and clean up after Seymour, and then finally marries Grumply! Loved it!
I like the book because it is sweet and because it is practically like notes going back and forth
ReplyDeletei loved this book because of it's wonderfull descriptions
ReplyDeleteI loved this book.I like how he gets help by a ghost and a 11yr old.
ReplyDeletei realy liked this book it was cool becouse its mainly notes being sent back to back.
ReplyDeleteA writer named Ignatius B. Grumply rented a haunted house to finish writing his book what he thought was a nice quiet home turns out to be a very distracting home.With another writer in there but never had her books published and trys to get Grumplys story not published too.
I really liked in the book how Grumpy goes to the haunted mansion to get rid of kids but ends up being best friends with one he finds upstairs.
ReplyDeleteZoe/Norton said...
ReplyDeletei didnt know it was a ghost story until i got like to the middle of thhe book is when i started to notice it was a ghost story.
ReplyDeleteI love this book because of Olive. She caused all of the drama in this book. I can't wait until the next book comes out!
i love this book. i love ghosts.
ReplyDeletei really liked this book i thought that it was funny how grumply and olive made there own rules to each otheri liked that.
ReplyDeletethis book was so cuite
ReplyDeleteThis book was really amusing. I thought it would be boaring but it kept me wanting to read more!****
ReplyDeleteI did not really like the book.I did not like olive because caused a lot of drama.
I think the names are really funny, my favorite name is Page turner.
ReplyDeleteI wish it had a little more letters from Seymour but other than that it was awsome
ReplyDeleteI loved how this book used letters to describe the events. And i loved the charater of the ghost.
ReplyDeletei love this book and the book was alittle sad at the end but i loved it.
ReplyDelete****Now you should read this book!It's when a author buys an old house. Only a a kid and a ghost live in it. He also responsible for the kid too. Oh boy was he mad. Just when you think it can't get worse... CRASH! The ghost drops a glass chandelier on him. What happens next well you have to find out for yourself by reading the book.